I have a lot of favourite passages from the Bible, but one that really inspires me to worship through singing is Psalm 33. Here are a couple of things from this Psalm that I think might inspire you.

First, the Psalmist implores the righteous to sing joyfully. Hold up; rest on ‘righteous.’ In Jesus we are made righteous. So if you weren’t feeling joyful when you started reading this post, maybe that will help. As a believer, we have to remind ourselves of our position with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are at peace with God because we have been made righteous through and in Jesus (Romans 5).

So then we can sing joyfully! If you are part of the eyesUP vocal family you know I believe that singing is just yelling in tune. Psalm 100:1 actually tells us to shout to the Lord. So we sing joyfully, with volume, and as verse 3 of Psalm 33 says, with skill! When we sing with skill, we lead well. We inspire and exhort the body to follow. When we sing without skill we can be a distraction, so I applaud any efforts to grow in our skill to lead God’s people well.

I encourage you to read the rest of Psalm 33. It gives us more reasons to sing and be joyful. Verses 4 and 5 speak of God’s truth, righteousness, justice and faithfulness. That’s why we sing with joy: we know and serve the one true God – it’s amazing!!