I have been leading worship as a singer for almost 40 years, and I have learned so much about how to use my voice to effectively lead a church congregation as we all worship God together. 

Really great singers have three things: Passion, Power, and Skill. eyesUP vocal was created to be a resource and encouragement to worship leaders in the church, specifically for singers who are seeking to grow in one or all of these areas.

But my vision is for something much bigger than just building up singers for the church. I also want to share my passion for why we worship, and how we can lead from a deep biblical understanding of what worship is. 

There is a challenge facing the church in Canada right now: we have too few equipped worship leaders to meet the current needs of the church, and we have an incredibly small pipeline of next-generation worship leaders arising from our local congregations.

But the hopeful solution is clear. Let’s call the current generation of worship leaders to continue to develop and use their gifts in the church for God’s glory and fame, as we lead by example and invite the next generation to do the same! This is what inspires my work with eyesUP vocal. 

If you know someone who might be interested, I would love it if you sent them our way!!